Alula ሐawando

My code smell today was cyclomatic complexity

Yeah, how neat. I must be writing a lot of code to get to that level of complexity ;). The issue as per SonarCube

The Cyclomatic Complexity of this method "my method name" is 12 which is greater than 10 authorized.

The term, cyclomatic complexity, was new to me. SonarQube provides this nice icon where you can click and learn about the issue. Accordingly, the cyclomatic complexity of a method should not exceed a defined threshold. Yet, Sonar did not explain what it meant. Is it just a fancy name for method complexity?

I decided to google it.

And yes, it is a term or concept coined by a guy named Thomas McCabe to try and measure the stability and level of confidence in a program.

I like that we have less jargon in software development compared to other professional fields. I believe it is one of the reasons that our field's path to entry is easier than, say law.

I have never heard anyone refer to a method's complexity with the phrase "Cyclomatic Complexity". And I prefer it stays that way.