Alula ሐawando


What I have worked on in the past and what I am working on now.

Ajebnew - Ethiopian news aggregator

Ajebnew was the reason I left my first job as a Java Programmer at INSA. At the time, I really wanted to work on my own thing. He I built a news aggregator using PHP and JQuery.

At first it was really a simple background cron job that runs a PHP function, which goes into a MySQL database of all the news websites reporting on Ethiopia. It then scraps the content, sanitizes it, classifies it and stores it into our own database. Looking back Ajebnew was a cool project.

BusinessTYC - A web design Agency in Addis Ababa

BusinessTYC was a great project that gave me an opportunity to grow and learn a lot. I have built hundrends of websites and web applications for small to large organization with a small team of dedicated colleagues. In the last few years of BusinessTYC we were serving large organizations like GIZ, AU and the WorldBank.

I still keep the website for nostalgic reason and to write some tutorials and blogs on it.

Jembr Amharic Word Games

This is a simple word game in my native language Amharic. I believe it will entertain people and improve the languages usage. But it also helps me tinker with different technologies outside of work.